The construction industry is complex due to the many moving parts that must be seamlessly coordinated. To mitigate risk and avoid costly delays, it’s necessary to address how broken logic can affect a construction schedule.
Software like takes all data and rule constraints into account, preventing broken logic and infeasible schedules from occurring in the first place. This effectively de-risks construction projects and ensures seamless construction sequencing.
Broken logic and its effect on construction schedules
Broken logic can easily go unnoticed by those who are not trained to watch for errors. They may assume that what they’re planning is infallible because whatever output that the program they’re using to generate possibilities is accurate.
To speak about broken logic more generally, let’s say a program is designed to specifically produce blue squares. If the user has an eye for ensuring that only blue squares are being produced, but the output begins to show red squares at a 3% interval, the user will obviously notice that an error has occurred.
However, if the user isn’t paying attention to color and is only looking out for squares in general, this output error can easily be missed. This is what allows broken logic to pass through and wreak havoc if not properly identified and addressed on time.
Now, let’s put this into a business example. Instead of shapes, let’s say the expected output is resource amounts. If the difference in available resources is significant (e.g., thousands vs. millions), then the user is much more likely to notice the disparity. However, it becomes much more difficult to notice if the variance is only by a small percentage.
But in construction projects, even if the variance is only by a small percentage, this inaccuracy can cost construction firms a significant amount of money in the long run.
Most conventional software platforms are unable to identify broken logic in schedules, which can cause detrimental delays and cost an exorbitant amount of resources to fix. For this reason, investing in software that can reduce such risks may be in one’s interest.
How to prevent broken logic from making its way into schedules
To reduce the chances of broken logic from occurring and affecting a schedule, consider using software that has built-in double checks.
Users can also practice preventative measures so they notice when broken logic or a logic error has occurred. These practices will help the users form a clearer expectation of what to anticipate with outputs.
Some preventative practices may include:
- Being as clear and as detailed as possible with expectations
- Maintaining a good backlog of data
- Finding out exactly what the client wants and needs
- Having a definitive outline of the project scope
- Being transparent about what the finalized project will look like to prevent scope creep
- Accurately measuring the time needed to complete a project and adding buffer time to handle issues
- Planning for the unexpected and aligning early on the “Must-haves” so all the right tasks are prioritized
Construction software can make a difference in your projects
Traditional construction planning methods like PERT, CPM, and Q scheduling are often utilized to calculate the duration of time that a project will need for completion.
However, they have certain limitations, including the following:
- They are dependent on contractor experience – These methods rely on the experience of team members to be able to accurately estimate time frames
- They are inflexible and prone to inaccuracy – Factoring in unforeseen circumstances can be difficult with these approaches
- They are difficult to manage – Diagrams and information can become more difficult to comprehend and keep track of as the project becomes larger
The construction industry and the success of projects depend on a multitude of factors coalescing. With so many aspects needing coordination, it’s no surprise that the industry is prone to unforeseen circumstances that can cause delayed schedules.
Traditional construction planning can be sufficient, but there’s the possibility for more efficient workflows. Today’s technology is designed to alleviate the impact of unpredictability, allowing builders and owners to prevent issues from arising before they crop up and affect projects.
How technology drives efficiency
The technology of today has improved work efficiency, reducing mistakes and increasing productivity. For instance, cloud-based technology has allowed builders to change and update documents in real time.
Moreover, owners who may need the progress history of projects can view all data in 3D with the right platforms, which may include important information on changes, upgrades, or repairs. This allows for reduced risk and budget spending, which, as prices rise on a global scale, will become increasingly necessary for the industry.
Broken logic can be prevented
Broken logic can have a significant impact on construction schedules, causing delays and creating the need for expensive repairs.
Thus, it’s important to invest in software that has built-in double-checks for potential errors. Users should also practice preventative measures as a failsafe so they notice when broken logic occurs.
Traditional construction planning falls short, as it can be too dependent on team experiences to accurately estimate the timeframe for each project. Since existing programs are inflexible to unforeseen circumstances, they are much more prone to inaccuracy. They also tend to fail in effectiveness once the projects become larger.
It’s important to consider program offerings that take broken logic into consideration and will address the complexities and demands of construction projects. Today, a plethora of programs are available on the market with the goal to improve accuracy, reduce the impact of unpredictability, and prevent issues from arising.